How I Got Here

I’ve worked for two decades in the body-mind-spirit industry and have always been left feeling like there was a hole in the healing.


My Masters in Nutrition gave me all the science to design meal plans and supplement protocols, yet I saw myself and my clients still struggling with holding onto extra fat, bone deep fatigue and a lack of joy in life.

My degree in psychology helped me gain the tricks for “hacking” mindset, but my soul called bullshit with every affirmation I recited.

My minor in spirituality equipped me with the techniques to connect to source, but my tired body was too overwhelmed to maintain the connection. While the “love and light” trend of the spiritual movement bypassed the reality of a world that was showing it’s history of darkness and dis-ease.

It’s when I started to realize that we are living in a time on earth where we are chronically disconnected. Disconnected from ourselves, each other, our divinity, our planet, and the natural cycles that once guided our ancestors on how to move through their days, months and years. And it was this disconnection that was having unprecedented effects on our health - body, mind and soul!

Cultivating genuine connection began to be my focus - and that connection began with myself, my divinity and the cycles of Mother Gaia, and especially the beautiful relationship we have had with the Moon for centuries.

These connections have been my medicine and now they are my gift to you. When we work together I help you to remember that you already know all of this! You are divine, and it’s time to reconnect to that essence - I’m excited to walk that journey with you.

Get to Know Me a bit Deeper…

  • Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus, Aries Rising, and North Node in Sagittarius - so if it speaks of a new way to explore transformation, freedom, or nourishment…. I’m IN!

  • A Rebel by Gretchen Rubins 4 Tendancy’s, a 6|2 Generator in Human Design, an enneagram 4 and a dolphin in the Power of When by Dr. Micheal Breus chronotype… might say I’m a rare dragon that doesn’t naturally fit into a box….and after decades of trying to cage myself I am now living life listening to the pull of my soul!

  • Mama to a teenaged son who constantly reminds me of the simple joys in life

  • A creatrix at heart who loves time in solitude to paint, write, sing or whip up a new nourishing recipe

  • My spiritual medicine weaves modern quantum physics, water science, and traditional practices of pre-colonial Celtic paganism with a focus on the elements and the cyclical nature of our lives. I use energy and vibrational healing with the Taoist practice of stone elixirs, the Hindu tradition of the chakras, and the Celtic teachings of the Cauldrons.

  • Initiate and Life Activation Practitioner in the Modern Mystery School a thousand of year old lineage of King Solomon the Wise

  • At heart, I am an Alchemist who follows the ancient art and science of Alchemy which holds that true transformation must occur first internally before the outward transformation can manifest. I work with sigils, ceremonies, meditation, crystal medicine, nutritional supplementation, herbs, channeling, and whole foods.

  • I create, live and play with reverence on Anishinaabek & Haudenosaunee land aka, Guelph ON Canada